Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thank You to all my supporters.

Dear Supporter,

I want to take this opportunity to thank all my supporters and members of the community who turned out for my recent fundraiser in Whytes of Stamullen.

In turn, I also want to thank all my supporters, family and friends for your support over the past few months leading up to the elections.



  1. Hi JAmes unlucky with the result ,you got my number out of Pat O'Brien, pity it wasnt enough. Either you or him would have done a better job than O'Neill, Cudden and co.

  2. It has come as a great relief to me and to many other residents in Stamullen that you have not been elected to the County Council. Your behaviour outside the polling station during Fridays vote was nothing short of a disgrace and not becoming of a public representative. If you had read the rules you would know that campaigning on a polling day is illegal. Also your idea for 2,500 jobs is laughable, perhaps you should think about some realistic policies before you consider running again.

    From a very happy Stamullen resident.

  3. As you can see, I publish all comments with respect to this blog, good bad and mean. I'd like to know what part of standing 50 metres away from the polling station is illegal, because as far as I am aware, it is fine to speak with people whilst at this distance. Also, allow me to point out that there is a difference between canvassing and having a chat with people. With regards to the jobs and the view that it is unrealistic - at least I have a plan. I am not sitting around lamenting the state of our economy, I am proactively changing this in a bold, ambitious and feasible fashion. Will there be challenges during the course of this change? Yes. However, no other candidate took the bull by the horns and developed job creational policies. I suspect that you work for another political party or candidate and wish to insult for insults sake, but let me tell you one thing, my supporters are bitterly dissapointed that Stamullen lost her opportunity to have her very own native county councillor, so the 'many other residents' you speak of who are relieved of my not being elected are firmly in the minority and are usually the sort who do not vote anyway. You appear to hold all the answers to a sufficient level which validates your attack of a young man doing his best for his neighbours and friends, so I suggest that during the next elections, you stand as a candidate. It might balance out your views.

  4. Thanks to the first anonymous comment about the result being unlucky. I hope that the elected county councillors do not continue the same policies which lead to Stamullen being named the 'Forgotten parish' when it comes to funding. I for one am fed up of driving through Duleek and seeing their brand new roads, playgrounds, footpaths, business parks and general facilities. I wish we had these in Stamullen.

  5. Incidentally, would folk mind commenting with their names and not anonymously, might make discourse more enjoyable.
