Saturday, February 28, 2009

Playground conclusion.

Playground Repositioning.

I wish to communicate with all residents of Stamullen and indeed East Meath in relation to a proposed playground in Mountain View Estate, Stamullen, Co. Meath.
Whilst canvassing for the pending local elections, I have spoken with thousands of residents, all of whom hold an opinion with regards to both a playground and the broader topic of a general lack of facilities in this area.
I hereby tender my views in connection with this issue and I am available at or on to discuss it further.
Residents in this estate have worked admirably, tirelessly and collectively since moving in some thirty two years ago to raise and maintain their environment to a prize winning standard. Resources necessary for these works were gathered by any means available and put to both great and lasting use.
To even contemplate infringing on such a harmonious residential estate, in my opinion shows a council utterly out of touch with the needs of the local residents.
I formally ask the proposers if they would be happy should a playground be constructed metres away from their front door?
A playground and furthermore a swathe of family, children and teenager orientated facilities are desperately needed in Stamullen as the entire populous agrees. However, developing a small corner of an established estate in total disregard of the wishes of all residents is an insensitive proposal.
I will fight against it passionately on behalf of all constituents before, during and after the pending elections.
A superior solution appears to be constructing a dedicated, state of the art parkland, playground and skating facility large enough to serve all users on the new GAA grounds on the Cock Hill Road with access routes resonating outwards to all corners of Stamullen. This will accommodate every household in the area and will not upset a single resident. My pledge is to further this proposal and to turn it into a reality, with your support.
Stamullen has contributed enormous sums in terms of development levies to Meath County Council and I am steadfastly determined to repatriate amounts necessary to raise public services, child, adolescent and family services together with safe foothpaths and streetlighting up to a winning level.
In conclusion, my goal is to channel the energy utilised in opposing this playground into advancing a modern, vast and inclusive facility which is sensitively, collaboratively and sustainably planned. Together we can create a better solution.
James Carey,Your Local County Council Candidate in June. Vote Carey No.1. Thank you.

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